Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Oy Ve!!!!!

Ok... what just happened???? I miss not even one day and blogger changes??? Geez!!! How ironic how that all fits in with the kind of day I've been having today!! Oh wait...We can change fonts now right in blogger??? Ok. well, it looks like it yet nothing changed... gotta work on that one... Wait... we can change text color?? Wait again,,, you probably can't read that... forgot my blog is a blue background... blue on blue won't work. But I hate red!!! Green is my current favorite color!!! (ha ha ha... Yes, it's an inside joke again... sorry for those out of the loops.
Ok. Time to get serious again though. Today was a day from heck. Well, yesterday was too. That cute little button like 3 or 4 posts back in currently in Children's Hospital downtown. She's ok for now but in the next 24 hours it'll be determined if she's moving in or if she's just on a long weekend vacation. I'm really pushing for the weekend vacation. She went in yesterday afternoon and let me just say.... CHOP is the #1 hospital in the nation for a reason.See the details from their website and US News and World Report
Everyone there, even the security guards who were sending me in the right place when I got lost trying to find my car were so caring and compasionate it was astounding!!

There's alot more to this story too, but I'll save the rest for the morning. Pretty tired tonight after a long two days.


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