Spam anyone???
Well, if the blogger counts are actually correct, I think this is my 200th post! Pretty incredible if I do say so myself. However, of course, it should be like number 500 but I've somewhat abandoned this thing. Each time I say, hmmm I need to post that or hey! I should blog this!!!... well, that's as far as it gets. And I really thought about throwing in the towel when earlier this week I got a comment on my blog that was unsolicited! Actually someone stumbling across my blog and leaving a comment! (and a good one at that!)
But then I got the same comment again on Thursday. From the same person.... and the SAME exact comment. Now I've heard about 'comment spam' on alot of other blogs that I read each day, but never did I think that I would actually be hit with it as well! But maybe it's genuine. And if it is, of course Mr. Computer guy or whatever your name was... please accept my deepest apoligies. But when I looked at my last post before this one, expecting to see the comment there, it wasn't. Nor on the next previous post. In fact, it went back a few months which means that the person, or computer, must have picked up on something in my archives. oh... and yes, in his comment to me, he of course mentioned his own blog, presumably for either cross traffic or self glorification. Not sure which one. But you did say you were going to bookmark my blog and if that is the case, then please redeem yourself by posting on this post a new comment and don't reference your site for once so I know you are genuine. If I do see that, then by all means, I will visit your blog, heck, I'll even post a link from this blog to yours, and add it to my OTHER blog that I run primarily as a testing ground but to this day still gets more hits than this one!
Phew! What a rant!
At 11:40 AM,
Gatekeepers4 said…
OMG you posted I am so suprised and that joke before is so funny. hehehehehehehhe so whats up I am so tired i need to sleep at night got any ideas how I can get some sleep?
At 12:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Rocktaxi, I came across your site while doing a search on woman's sexuality. Although you don't have exactly what I'm looking for, your site did provide for quite an interesting read. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
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