AWWWW FUDGESNICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For WEEKS, heck, Months, heck, 12 MONTHS I had planned a big celebration for the one year anniversary of this blog... and guess what????
I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(It was yesterday)
I thought about back posting but that's not PC these days. I'm sorry but I'm just mad at myself for missing it. I think I did actually think of it yesterday but I was so exhausted from the weekend of soccer games that I took probably 20 cat-naps in the afternoon. I haven't been that tired in a real long time. Going to work today was actually a nice break for a change! ha ha ha
Anyway, now that we are in year two, who knows what the year will bring? (Hopefully more posts really!
Over the last year, I hit almost 500 visitors which I think is good considering I haven't bumped up my visitor count like alot of other sites! I Managed nearly 200 posts out of 365 days.. (don't go by Blogger's counter since they deactivated it a few months ago. It's been stuck on 170 posts since January!
I actually am running 2 full time blogs right now, 1 part time, and contribute to my daughter's every once in a while. And brought a bunch of other people into the world of blogging at the same time too! Not too shabby if I say so myself. Well, that's all for now. It's monday night, so I gotta get ready for Wrestling!!!
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