Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Friday, November 26, 2004

Am I nuts???

Well, I did it again. For the 4th year in a row, I was a total psycho and hit the stores at 5am today for the Black Friday sales. The store I went to wasn't too bad and I got all that I wanted so it was pretty successful. I considered going to the big guys (Best Buy, Walmart, Target etc) but when I did that last year, they had all the stuff I wanted still after openning, but the lines for checkout were up to 3 hours in length!!!!!!! Sorry, but no store sale is worth that. I'll spend $5 more and get out of the store in 10 minutes next week. Going out early in the morning is no problem since the kids are all asleep. But standing in line till noon to pay for it will NOT go over well with the Misses. So better luck next year!


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