Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Bird Watching????

I'll admit I'm not the best driver in the world, but 99% of the time I'm innocently minding my own business.

I'll honk my horn if it's neccessary...and I'll flip someone the bird if it's neccessary too...ok, well sometimes it's uncontrollable but....

This morning something new! I was driving to work in a car train of 4-5 cars... I was like 3rd in line with maybe two or three cars behind me. On one road, there are a series of traffic lights like every 5 feet basically...since I was in the middle of the pack, I was just following everyone else. We were all hitting every light when it was red so it was stop and go the whole way. What shocked me, and is the reason for this whoel post, is that when we got to the very last light, where there happens to be a side street turnoff, the guy behind me, starts flashing his lights, honking his horn, and flips me the double, yes DOUBLE bird!!!! I didn't realize it for maybe a second because we all started moving but when I saw his lights flashing in my rear view mirror, that's what caught my eye.

I figured maybe I was late for starting up at the light, but the car in front of me was right at my bumper still and we were all moving...the light was green so it's not like we were missing it, as we were all moving in unison... yet for some reason, he felt he needed to give me the double! bird.... Normally it wouldn't bother me, cuase I only return the favor if it's warranted. But today, it was NOT warranted and it's bugging me! (I got that problem these days with bugs! LOL)

I don't know... this ever happen to you??? Post your thoughts in the comments and we'll see where it goes!


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