Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Crisis Averted...

Ok. Almost had a total sh*t fit tonight... Stupid ol me decided to play around with the computer and the net connection to see if I could get the darn network back working between the two pc's in this house... Of course, in the process, I ended up crashing the internet connection on this computer.

The real amazing thing? Is that the system restore actually worked on this computer and had me back up and running in 5 minutes!!!! Damn it worked!!! Wow was I happy. If it would only work on the PC upstairs (which is still stuck in Windows 9 world) I'd be really super happy. I guess maybe I'll just be forced to update that when Longhorn comes out. Guess I should go oldest first... then I'll be closer than I am now...

Anyway, busy weekend on the horizon. Games out the wazoo tomorrow. Probably a post late tomorrow night...


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