Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Water Water Everywhere!!!

No... this is not a glitch where This Post came back again... We got flooded again today from the remanents of Hurricane Ivan. Sucker didn't hit us directly, (probably since we are so far north up here in PA, but still we got socked with tons of rain.) The flood wasn't quite as bad as last time, which was 10 inches, this was only about 75% of the basement and only about 1/2 inch at the most. Fortunately, I was down there again and had time to move some stuff around. Also, we've never put anything back from the last flood so what was down there and got wet was all stuff that was ok to get wet. So it was just more of a minor inconvenience than anything.

Of course now, after the fact I was thinking I should have taken a picture of the field next to our house. Needless to say we had Perkiomen River next door, yet it ain't no river normally... I would have reallly loved to see some of the real rivers that are near our house. Must have been totally incredible. Well, back to the fun and more cleaning!


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