Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Update to yesterday's post

A few people have actually contacted me already, no, not news media yet, just friends that were checking in on me... I guess in all of my excitement last night, I did forget to point out that I WAS a passenger on the R5 train to Doylestown. I got on a Suburban Station at 4:44pm for the express to Lansdale/Doylestown. I was in the last car, 2nd seat from the middle facing backwards. I did not experience any major injuries other than frayed nerves and a sore neck and shoulder from when I banged into the window.

I've ridden Septa for over 5 years now and my main complaint is the lack of information that they give us. Even after sitting on the train for nearly 15 minutes, no one told us anything about what was happening. Was it a collision? Did we hit someone on the track? Did we jump off the track?? No idea because we got ZIP from Septa. How hard would it have been to um, look out the window and see another train and tell everyone that "we hit another train". All we got was "There has been an incident and we will be delayed indefinately". Gimme a freaking break. What if it was a bomb??? Septa would then have 5,000 dead people to deal with instead of the 30 who are injured. But we'd have never known cause Septa didn't tell us. The first sign of nearly anything even being wrong was a police officer who was walking through the train asking if there were any injuries! And they still couldn't tell us what was going on!!!! ARGH!!!!

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