So Far, So Good...
he he he... a Bryan Adams reference! (His greatest hits CD)... hmmmm so maybe this year, along with my resolution to post more often, I'll include a musical reference in each title??? Hmmm.. that could be awesome and fun at the same time!!! So far so good!!!
Anyway, today's post is all about recovery! From New Year's Eve and to the grandfather of them all (No, not the Rose Bowl Football Game) but to the recovery of my old original PC that at one time had been my ultimate baby, but in the last year turned into a 30 pound paperweight that would scurry into the corner anytime I came near it for fear I was going to ask it to boot up! LOL
Well, the good news it that it only took me about a month to wipe all the software off of it, save the 10,000 MP3's to other locations, and delete the 1.5 million pictures from it. (Including about 500 last night that I DIDN'T want to erase. But o-well. That'll teach me to be more responsible.
So two days into 2005... one post... so I'm running 50% now. LOL. Not too shabby. Tomorrow, back to work, first full week in 3 so that stinks. Anyway, it's a new year so maybe a new year at work! Have a good one everybody!
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