Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

More time is More $$$

Ok... here is the second part of the post from the other day. Twice in 24 hours I lost my patience.

I had an eye doctor appointment yesterday to get refitted for contact lenses. Appointment was at 8:30. I was hoping to be out of there by 9 and in to work by 10 so I didn't blow a whole day.

Stupid me

I didn't even get called up to register till 9... got in the chair and then they couldn't find my contacts that had been ordered. (My original appointment was three weeks ago, but my contacts were special ordered so I had to come back in for fitting and checkup.

Well, an hour later I had my contacts, but had to give them back. They want to order a stronger pair so I can see all the better. So back to another 3 week wait. Finally got into work at 11:30 which wouldn't have been bad except that my boss was leaving at noon and we had like 2 hours of work to go through. Lovely, yeah....


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