Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day 2005

If I could find the cool graphic I used last year, I'd have posted it again, but nope...

Anyway, 6 weeks of soccer is over (minus tourney next week)
Mrs. Rocktaxi is still in the hospital (after 6 weeks)
6 weeks since I've updated??? (almost....)
6 people in my department at work (well 5 really but I do the work of two)

So yes, lots going on. Best part is that 1st one with only a week left of soccer. However, if we win our first game next week, which by the way starts at 8am... we play at 11... if we win, we play at 1...if we win we play the championship at 3.... damn that's gonna be one long day!!!

I'll update with the final scores next week...

Monday, May 16, 2005

oops times 2...

Here's how bad I've been.. I actually had to look at my own blog cause I couldn't remember what the last post was that I made! ha ha ha...

Anyway, geez, so what's gone on this month??? Well, Mrs. Rocktaxi was in the hospital... then she was home... then she went back to another hospital... and she's been there for 3 weeks now. Yeah, that sucks. But the kids have certainly been good so that's been a help. Although it's been a letdown because I haven't been able to be online as much as I'd like. Actually I can't really say that because I have been online but only to keep up on email. I haven't been on at all for fun because all my time has been taken up by SOCCER!!! Man, a sport I love but a sport I've grown to hate!!!! Yes I'm coaching again, and that was my mistake.

Skipped the boys this time and thought I'd try to go for the girls. That was the BEST thing I could have ever done.

Monday, May 02, 2005


AWWWW FUDGESNICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For WEEKS, heck, Months, heck, 12 MONTHS I had planned a big celebration for the one year anniversary of this blog... and guess what????

I MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(It was yesterday)

I thought about back posting but that's not PC these days. I'm sorry but I'm just mad at myself for missing it. I think I did actually think of it yesterday but I was so exhausted from the weekend of soccer games that I took probably 20 cat-naps in the afternoon. I haven't been that tired in a real long time. Going to work today was actually a nice break for a change! ha ha ha

Anyway, now that we are in year two, who knows what the year will bring? (Hopefully more posts really!

Over the last year, I hit almost 500 visitors which I think is good considering I haven't bumped up my visitor count like alot of other sites! I Managed nearly 200 posts out of 365 days.. (don't go by Blogger's counter since they deactivated it a few months ago. It's been stuck on 170 posts since January!

I actually am running 2 full time blogs right now, 1 part time, and contribute to my daughter's every once in a while. And brought a bunch of other people into the world of blogging at the same time too! Not too shabby if I say so myself. Well, that's all for now. It's monday night, so I gotta get ready for Wrestling!!!