Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Anybody got some duck tape???

Ok... I thought that I just whispered it to myself last week but someone must have heard me. For the last few weeks, I've been pretty slow at work. Then last week, I was out of the office more than I was in the office. In the back of my mind I thought it would be a good thing because it would let SOME work pile up... little did I know that SOME would become TONS!!!! And tons is still an understatement.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and I still have yet to even unlock my desk drawer. Now that's bad. Real problem too is that I have what's probably going to be an all day meeting on Thursday too so that throws that day out the window...

When will it end!!!! AAAHHHH

Monday, June 28, 2004

Someone's out to get me.....

Well, I posted the other day that I had a cool link for everyone to look at and what happens? 24 hours later, that site is obliterated off the net. I'm not going to reveal the secret just yet... I'll fix it and then repost the link.

Quicky update...

Since today is the Sabbath day and I try not to post, I just wanted to give a quicky update here... depending on where you are viewing the last post from yesterday, it may work or it may not work. It worked all day from home yesterday, today I come into work and it's not working. Leave a comment on what you see in the background and I'll know if it's working or not... then I'll tell you what the freaky surprise is.. LOL... I"ll have to play with it more tonight. Darn, and here I was all excited..

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Wanna See something freaky???

Follow the link (click the title of this post) for something really wild!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Anyone seen Tarzan???

For some reason, I think I need to start mowing the grass more than just once every three weeks. It was nice with the old mower cause it was a mulching mower that didn't need to catch the grass. However, that died the same week I inherited one from the inlaws. Otherwise, the new one would have just sat. However, since it was perfectly timed, the old one was sent out to pasture and the new one moved to the front of the garage. But, being the lazy ass that I am, it's 2-3 weeks between cuttings so since I have to bag it now, I do two passes before I have to empty the bad. Talk about a long day. Atleast I was able to do it somewhat early yesterday before it got too hot. But still the Jungle has been tamed after about 3 hours. Didn't know I had so much grass under those weeds...It's a shame to cut down all the pretty wildflowers!

More tomorrow...

Friday, June 25, 2004


I'm really disappointed here people... I have given you over a week, even when I said it was going to be a weekend to post comments, and not a single person has said anything in regards to whether or not I should change the design of this blog!!!! That's what the playing around was the other day and fortunatly, I saved the orginal blog so I was able to resurrect it... I'll give everyone till Monday to leave a comment.

Schedule Planning 101...

Well, in yesterday's post, you learned how I poorly planned my little "vacation" of all 23 hours... well, try this one on...

4 hours of working, then leave for trip...
23 hours on business trip...
4 hours of sleep after return from trip
8 hours working next day
0 hours work next day (seminar out of office)
9 hours work next day...

Maybe I need to use that scheduling calendar I got back in January... ya think??

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Flying high...

Stop it.... don't go there...

Just got back from my first Business trip! Only working for 8 years now and just got to go on my first real trip to another office! Woo Hoo! Guess I kissed enough ass finally. Although when they gave me the golden key to pick my own flight and tickets, stupid stupid me totally picked the wrong flights. If I was smart, it would have been the first flight out monday and the last flight home Tuesday... but no.. I wasn't gone but 23 hours... stupid me.. I had all of 2 hours to myself... one hour at 10pm Monday and another at 8 am Tuesday...

Well, what I can say is that is it totally friggin cool to fly!! LMAO... see, I haven't been on an airplane for 15 years and then it was to Europe so 99% of that was over water... like real exciting man! This time I got a window seat and spent 2 hours with my face plastered to the window! The hotel was rather awesome too. I definately gotta work on getting back there. Actually I gotta work on a trip to Orlando and that would DEFINATELY be a long, extended vacation.

It's late, I'm tired and I"m definately going to bed now cause I gotta go to work. More later!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Testing one two three

Well, from the last post, you can tell that I'm playing around a bit... trying new things... I'm holding off on some big updates cause it's been one hell of a week to put it bluntly... almost one hell of 1 1/2 weeks starting with my babysitting adventure last friday... I'll update more on Wednesday? I hope!!

Test Post

Test Post

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Father's Day 2004

In honor of me... no posts... plus trying to pack for my trip!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Adventures in Babysitting

Well, if you can comprehend the post prior to this, you'd have found out that I was at the Philadelphia Phillies game on Friday night. Boy what an adventure. It was our "Firm Night" at the game for all support staff. In prior years, we had two awesome superboxes at Vet Stadium, free food, beer, drinks, etc, all game.

Well, last winter, they blew up Vet Stadium.

On to the new stadium!

Well, this time, we only had a "meeting room" with food and drinks in the side access hallway. Score 0 - 1.

I will say though that the food was excellent as always. ok.. 1 - 1

Fact that we had to serve ourselves when we are always "served" before? 1-2

Getting to our seats was an adventure too. This was my first time at the new stadium, so I had no clue where I was going. Of course our seats were on the other side of the stadium from our "eating room". Found my seat, and I was the first one from our firm in them. I will say though.. the seats were awesome. Left field...20 rows up. 2-2

Phillies lost 10-2. my score now 2-3

Leave stadium... have no clue where subway station is....score 2-5 (extra point for getting lost)

"hey...must have been a big game... not only are there cops outside the stadium, there's also like 20 firetrucks! oh no... I was wrong. Officer informs us Subway is closed. Suspicious device found...." Like we weren't upset enough that they lost the game, now we are stuck cause the subway is the only way out for 20 blocks.

"Go wait there for a Shuttle bus."
Where? there with the other 10,000 people? Yes. Yippee Score 2-9 (trust me. It was that bad)

Shuttle bus came after 90 minutes... it was only 11:30 then... 2-10

Too bad shuttle bus didn't take us to train..nope..just to next station north to wait for subway. 2-11

45 minute wait in dark, crowded, 150 degree subway station. 2-12

Get to train station, and even though I had to scale a fence since it was now past midnight and entrances were closed, I still made the last train out of town.


Finally got home in more time than the actual playing time of the game I went to see.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Can you hear me now???

Click here for some excitement!!! he he he The stadium Tour...this is an audio post - click to play

To Change or not to change???

Ok... I'm sure I'm going to get a ton of responses

Do you like the current layout or do you think it's
time for a change? This skin is version 2.0, the first
was very plain. But now I'm getting tired of the
colors myself. So post a comment if you think I should
change it or leave it as is.

I think what's buggin me the most is that I can't
figure out how to get my sidebar on the right side
back to the top of the page. You have to scroll all
the way down to see the info and I don't like that!!

Results will be posted Monday.

Time Flies...

ha ha ha... that title will come into play here for a few days...

But man... I swear I just spent time updating this darn
thing and then I turn around and there is nothing
posted for 3 days! Oops!!!

Well, then again, a week of crappy weather doesn't
really help any. Can't do too much when there's more
light outside from lightning then light from bulbs inside
in my house!!

I think I"m going through night time net withdrawal!

That, and I can't get this horrible vision of a 10 foot
high pile of clothes that was staring me in the face last
night to be folded...

More later...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Wow... I'm famous!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Version 3.0???

Well, version 1.0 was the original version of this blog...

Version 2.0 was when I played around too much and f'ed up all the colors and layout...

Version 3.0 now debuts MUSIC! So yes, I'm tinkering around again, probably too much and gonna mess something up big time, but hey, 1/2 the fun is getting to play isn't it???

Stick around and enjoy the music!

oh, and if it's not working, yes it sucks, but you have to have Real Player installed to get it to work.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I'm sorry... but this picture is the entire
reason why I haven't posted anything this entire
last week. And let me tell you, I have not
cried as much as I did last night watching this.
The poor woman was so lost and all I could think
of was how much they needed to turn off the God damn
cameras and kick all the reporters out of there and
give her a minute alone. All you could hear were
all the photographers clicking away when she was
standing there lost and I was screaming at the TV to
get the heck out of there. If they had ONE ounce of
decency, they would have thrown their cameras over
the cliff at that moment. Even though I was only in
elementary school and junior high in the Reagan years,
I still have respect for a President. I've tried to
think of posts for this week but it wasn't happening.
I'm sure now that the "media" is going back to all the
normal crap, I'll have something come to mind but in
the mean time, I'm still taking a break. As with the
news, regular programming will return to this channel
on Monday. Thanks guys. Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Sunday Update

Wow what a busy weekend... have the recap of the party last night to tell about, church today to talk about, lunch today to talk about, a 65th wedding anniversary to talk about, the ride home to talk about, dinner out afterwards with family to talk about, and the night at home to talk about...

but not going to do it now! LMAO

Saturday, June 05, 2004

On the Next Episode of Cops...

The woman will get me in trouble for the last one...
But this one is all mine....

Gonna get in trouble for this one...

Let's see how long it takes her to notice....

Friday, June 04, 2004


Or is it Thursday? Man this week was messed up. Friday afternoon I woke up and realized I had a ton of work to do. Fortunatly it was my late Friday anyway or I wouldn't have been able to leave early. So after lunch, I just emptied my desk, put it all on top and started working my way down. Lots was just filing, some sorting, but the end result was very little left in my desk by 4pm.. so that's a good sign. Got an equally busy weekend on tap so don't know if/when I'll be able to update... babysitting most of Saturday too so that'll keep me offline... Got a party to go to (looking forward to it) so that'll be a lot of fun. It's an adults only party so that'll be nice to not have to worry about kids...

Thursday, June 03, 2004

In a holding pattern...

I know, I know... I've been slacking recently... but lots going on at work....I'll post more later...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

For my commentor...

Well, it's not as good as the last one which is almost like the one that I do have.. but here is another drum set.

So to the person who liked the last drum kit, I hope you like this one too...

I'm in trouble now!!!

Oh this is going to be too dangerous. Picked up a wireless network card for the ol' laptop tonight. I had a wired card but the damn thing never worked. Which is probably the reason it was only $5... (Then again, this one was only $10, but it actually does work).

So... here is a blog post from downstairs....

ok... here is one from the kitchen....

ok... here is one from the steps leading upstairs... LOL

ok... and now the real bad one... a post from my bed while watching the Phillies game...

Don't worry. I'll spare everyone and won't post from the bathroom... I'll keep something sacred atleast...


OMG OMG OMG! What ever will I do!!! I got my first comment from someone other than myself! Yes, I'm enough of a dork that my first comment in my blog came from myself a few weeks ago. (Hey, I chalked it up to just a test to see if the comments worked!)

Anyway, it was a comment on my drumset animation! I don't know if the person is into drumming as well or just liked the animation! I have a few more I'd like to post in the future so look for more fun stuff.

I'm so excited I just can't post anymore today! LOL

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I Hate Holidays...

Ok... Not only was I screwed up Monday night thinking it was Sunday night and wondering why in the world Jay Leno was on Sunday, All day today at work I kept thinking it was Monday and totally forgot to do all my normal Tuesday work. I think Holiday's on Monday's should be outlawed. Don't get me wrong, I love a day off from work, but everyone is in too much of a fog on Tuesdays that it makes it a worthless day! I'm still messed up today and it's Wednesday! (wait, is it????) Oy Ve.