Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Apprentice Live Blog

Well, now that Erin is gone, and yes, that still stinks, I am still interested in seeing who wins and most importantly when the heck Chris gets FIRED!!!!!!!! Ugh! can't stand him!!!!!

Wow... Alex has been drafted...
(nice haircut Don...)
Pizza!!!!!!!! Oh man... I gotta stop watching this show before I've eaten dinner!!!

MMMMM balls... I like balls..sweaty balls.. oh wait.... scratch that.... Meatballs!! I like Meatballs!!! (BTW: the last bit was from Y100 and Saturday Night Live...)
Ok... hate to say it, but that pizza looked disgusting!!! I'm curious to know how much they were selling each piece for....

Woo Hoo! You sold a whopping 6 pizzas to construction guys??? They should eat 6 each!!!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter Weekend

If I have to sing "Here comes Peter Cottontail" once more, I'm gonna hunt the rodent down and frikasee him for dinner!!!!!!!! UGH! I love Easter weekend (cause it's a warm holiday) but too much kiddee emphasis this year man... darn rugrats went nuts over all the chocolate!!!

Works actually a little busier too so that's a good thing!

Goal for the week: TAXES!!!! (first time ever it'll be done before April 15th too!)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Pay the poor...

As much as I hate seeing them everywhere else, something seems to tell me that I am the only person in the world without ads on their webpage. So now that Google has come up with the short, sweet "ad words" that can conveniently be stuck on the side of the page and not be too overly intrusive, I have added them for atleast a little bit as a test to see if it does anything. One complaint that I have heard from others is the relavancy of ads that get up there. I'll keep watch on it and if I don't like it, then I'll dump them. I certainly am not looking to make a killing of of it, but if I get $5 a month, hey, it's a trip to McDonald's once in a while!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Man! Was it really that long since I posted? Wow... anyway, so much has been going on so that's really the reason why.

Actually, as you can see from the last post, I'm just blown away by the full trailer for Star Wars III... Holy S!!! And what sucks? Still gotta wait 2 months till the movie is out! GRRRRR

At least the trailer is online now. It's nice to watch it 100 times a night! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Ok.. a tease finally worse than Mrs. Rocktaxi...

Watched so far 75% of the stupidest show in the world "The OC" for no reason other than to see the new trailer for "Star Wars III"... well it's now 8:45 and no trailer yet.... if they make me sit through this entire piece of crap called the OC, I'm going to scream!!!!

The worst part is I let the kids stay up, which then made them cranky.. plus made Mrs. Rocktaxi probably cranky cause I dumped the kids on her so I didn't miss it! Uh oh...

Ok.. this is nuts... 8:47... like 3 minutes of commercials so far... no way it'll be in this break which means that yes... I will have watched the entire "OC" for this when I could have watched what, the last 30 seconds??? OMG how gulible is the entire world!!! AAAHHH

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Had to take a little vacation from blogging there for a bit. Life was too psycho for a while.

Kid in hospital...snow...kid at doctors...snow...Gamecube versus N64...snow...snow and snow!!!

I used to say that I preferred cold to summer heat, but this is rediculous!!!! 60 degrees in December to zero in March!!!

Anyway, thungs should be somewhat normal again soon....

And also, I should hit my 400th visitor today too!!!! whipee!!!!