Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Oh No It's Not!!!!

AHHHHH December already!!! (Ok, well it's still November, but still....)

Work has totally sucked major ass recently... working these 12 hour days stinks. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I was paid weekly but having to wait 2 weeks to reap the benefits does stink. And now I've been so busy that I've been cuting back on my lunch. But hey, I end up with 2.5 hours of overtime from it so I guess it's not all that bad.

The TOTAL worst was today when we had a fire drill in the middle of the day. That hasn't happened for about a year and I'm glad. Walking down 16 flights of stairs is not a pretty sight. Can't wait to see how many people call out sick tomorrow from it. Yes, there will be some.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Am I nuts???

Well, I did it again. For the 4th year in a row, I was a total psycho and hit the stores at 5am today for the Black Friday sales. The store I went to wasn't too bad and I got all that I wanted so it was pretty successful. I considered going to the big guys (Best Buy, Walmart, Target etc) but when I did that last year, they had all the stuff I wanted still after openning, but the lines for checkout were up to 3 hours in length!!!!!!! Sorry, but no store sale is worth that. I'll spend $5 more and get out of the store in 10 minutes next week. Going out early in the morning is no problem since the kids are all asleep. But standing in line till noon to pay for it will NOT go over well with the Misses. So better luck next year!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I'm late! For a very important date!

Ugh! after two straight weeks of being good and working early, i slept in today on the worst possible day. I think the worst part is realizing that sleeping in cost me 50 bucks in overtime! Ces la vie

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Just playin---

Hey yall. Just playin to see if something is working so
basically just ignore this, thanks

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The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

It's Not My Fault!!!

Ok... so THIS week, I'll try and post more... see, this is the busy time of year for me at work. And It's been BUSY as HELL!!!

Working more overtime this week than I've worked in the 3 years combined that I've worked for the company! So I'm really tired when I get home at night.

The one really bad thing about this time of year is when you leave for work in the dark, and come home from work in the dark. That's bad. Although it used to be 100 times worse, when I didn't have any windows and actually never saw daylight for almost 5 months.

Now I've got a nice view out a big window (which is still covered in bird crap that the window cleaners STILL refuse to clean off.

Atleast I can now see the people in the apartment building outside my window. And yes, from time to time there is an "ugly naked man" like there was in Friends.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Get yer music!!! Music here!!! Get it before it's gone!!

Hey there! Got a bunch more stuff posted to my account. Had 5 successfull sales in the last week so I decided to post a bunch more to see what I could get. Go here to view what I got out there:
Rocktaxi's Amazon Marketplace!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Political Reflections

Now that the political season is over and I hopefully won't get spammed to all hell, I think it's safe now almost a week later to reveal that I'm so freaking happy that George W. won.... Not that I am a Republican freak or anything but I just wanted Georgie to win just so that I could create a blog post directed at all the people who pushed for Kerry to win....


To all the people who posted signs on their lawn...
To all the people who blocked city streets and begged me to sign up to get Bush out of the White House...
To all the people who held signs stating "Honk for Kerry"...
To all the people who spent countless hours working for their "cause"...

And many, many, many other reasons....

A GREAT BIG F-U!!!!! AND HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUSH RULES AND WILL RULE FOR 4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Finally changed the banner at the bottom of this blog. The Van Halen Cd has been out since July, so I thought I'd update it to something more recent. Of course it's not that much more, but it's a little variety at this point. I'll see if I can find something else to grace this page soon....

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Night

All I can say so far is...

Only in America...

Not sure If I'm going to make a comment about it tomorrow or not. We'll see what happens. Still fighting with Mrs. Rocktaxi over the Senate race here in Pennsylvania. We'll see who comes out on top!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Cheap Post

ha ha ha..

Cheap post to do nothing more than create an archive date for November... Man I'm getting sad...