Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Monday, January 31, 2005


Did I use that title before????

Oh My Gosh! I SOOOO found my new most favorite saying tonight!!!!

DEJA MOO - The feeling you've heard this bullshit before!!!

I'm STILL laughing!!!!! oh that's awesome!!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Busy but slow

Wow. I spent like all kinds of time online on Saturday and you know what??? I feel like I didn't find anything online! Boy that stunk. Mrs. Rocktaxi was sick, has been sick, continues to be sick. About the only good thing is that kids were actually good for once so I made life a little easier.

ok. short post... gotta finish later....

(Editor's note: If anyone snuck a peak at this post in the last 10 minutes, you'd have seen the slip up I did in the title! LOL) It's all fixed now though!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hit me with your best shot!

Wow... ok.. that was pretty freaky... after this blog being pretty quiet for a few weeks there, all of a sudden I had like a dozen hits all just this week. By all means, that is totally cool, but at the same time, guess that means that I do have to pay more attention and update it a little more!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Snow anyone???

ha ha ha! Without even realizing it, I totally got another music reference in there! Way way back there was a super cheasy rap dude named "Snow" with a hit called "Informer"... The worst part? I'm not going to be able to get that damn song out of my head now all weekend!!! aaaahhhh

Anyway, to give the news guys something to actually talk about for once, God decided to dump the blizzard of 2005 on us. AFter having temps last week around 75 degrees, we're now sitting on 13 inches of snow and a high today of like 9.

Yeah. Sucks.

Oh well. I'd write more, but gotta get back to shoveling!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Round 2!!!

Woo Hoo! Erin made it to round two!!! Stinks her team lost but if I heard it right, they lost by like 5 burgers! That's wild!

Anway, I knew she had to be safe last night cause she played it good and stayed quiet in the background so there was no reason she should even be considered to be fired. Who knows what next week will bring.

Anway, gearing up for a big ol snow storm here this weekend. Should be cool cause in a way, I do like snow storms. Hell, if we're going to get snow, don't give me any 1 inch crap. Gimme a Foot! Or like Nevada where they were getting like 19 FEET at a time! THAT's a snow storm baby!

Only really bad thing? I still have no clue where my snow gloves are. So Either a) I'll be shoveling in kids gloves, or b) I'll be shoveling with towels on my hands, or c) I'll be wearing Mrs. Rocktaxi's gloves! ha ha ha... lets see if she can figure out which one's I'll wear! LMAO!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

You Fired!!!!

Getting ready for the premier episode of the Apprentice on NBC tonight! I really got into the first season. The second season was so-so...... actually so-so that I have spent all day trying to remember who actually won!!! I think everyone knows Bill Rancik, Just like everyone knows Richard Hatch from Survivor. But can anyone name the winner of Survivor 2-8? Yeah, didn't think so.

Anyway, the reason I'm so into this one is that one of the contestants, Erin, of the Book Smarts is someone I actually know!!!!! She worked for my company up until she quit last year! (Once she gets fired (if she does), I'll post those details. But the cool thing is that I had a TV star in my office last year!!! Woo Hoo!!! I always thought she was nice and never had issues, although some other people who we worked with apparently did. Anyway, I'll give updates as they are warranted!

Go Erin!!!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Lappy Update #2

It's ALIVE!! It's ALIVE!!!!

And he's all mine!!! HA HA HA HA

God that sounds gay... Hmmm I don't think I ever actually checked if lappy was a guy or girl! LOL

Anyway, it's back in my possession today! Gears all working, screen majorly dusty but working!!!

Only problem with Windows 2000 is that it's majorly stripped of all programs so talk about having to download updates man! Whew!

Anyway, next task is to get internet back working on it! That I'm afraid will be a major undertaking...

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Lappy Update!

Heard from the IS department today on Lappy! Poor thing's been passed around from tech to tech and no one's been able to fix him! Poor guy. Guess I did more damage than I thought!

The super awesome thing is that the latest news is that the only way they can fix him is to install Windows 2000.... So I'm elated since it only had Windows 98 on it before! So I'm moving up in the world!!!

Anyway, now that it's been nearly a month since I dropped him off, I'm even more anxious to get him back!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Welcome to Summer

Yeah... January 11th.. raining right now, supposed to be 70 degrees tomorrow. Can anyone say Global Warming???? Yeah, I think so...

Got some beefs though...

Still haven't gotten the replacement printer...
Back to working OT at work (ok, well it's good but still)
Mrs. Rocktaxi kicked my butt at tic tac toe on yahoo.
oh.. and some weird box lines thingy that she cheated on...

Friday, January 07, 2005

Long week!

Took me a little while to figure it out but now i know why i an so tired! Its my first full week working in like a month! Actually i cant even say this was a full week cause i snuck out an hour early today! I deserve some time off.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Sweet!!! (AKA Lesson Learned)

Well, I could say that I dropped a band name in that title. But it's kinda been my new favorite word this week. And it's more of a South Park reference than the old glam band at this point, but hey...

Anyway, the lesson learned part comes from me scoring a brand new (I think) free printer yesterday from HP.

Back in the summer I sprung for a new printer when the ink cartridges for our old Lexmark were going to be about $10 short of a whole new printer. So I decided to pick up a brand new one. I'm about 99% sure that I had picked up the extra store warranty knowing that I have 5 kids and the thing wouldn't last more than a week.

Well, it lasted about 3 months. Then of all things, it broke while my daughter was printing a picture of John Kerry for a book report! AAAHHHH!!! Click Here for an explanation of my scream. LOL

Well, the paper totally jammed, and as I was taking it out, I took out a few pieces of the printer with the paper. Oops! Well, the thing sat dead for about 3 months. Yesterday, I decided to take a look at it, but to no avail. Well, hopped to the good ol net and fired up HP Technical Services. And after a nice 10 minute chat with someone probably in India, scored a brand new (I think) replacement printer!!!

Moral of the story? Even if you purchase a store warranty, ALWAYS register the product registration with the manufacturer as well! That's what saved me. I guess I atleast did that part at some point cause the Tech Service dude had my info, and my serial number matched so it all came together! SWEET! :)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

So Far, So Good...

he he he... a Bryan Adams reference! (His greatest hits CD)... hmmmm so maybe this year, along with my resolution to post more often, I'll include a musical reference in each title??? Hmmm.. that could be awesome and fun at the same time!!! So far so good!!!

Anyway, today's post is all about recovery! From New Year's Eve and to the grandfather of them all (No, not the Rose Bowl Football Game) but to the recovery of my old original PC that at one time had been my ultimate baby, but in the last year turned into a 30 pound paperweight that would scurry into the corner anytime I came near it for fear I was going to ask it to boot up! LOL

Well, the good news it that it only took me about a month to wipe all the software off of it, save the 10,000 MP3's to other locations, and delete the 1.5 million pictures from it. (Including about 500 last night that I DIDN'T want to erase. But o-well. That'll teach me to be more responsible.

So two days into 2005... one post... so I'm running 50% now. LOL. Not too shabby. Tomorrow, back to work, first full week in 3 so that stinks. Anyway, it's a new year so maybe a new year at work! Have a good one everybody!