Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Friday, July 30, 2004

Alive and kicking!!!

Yes I'm still alive... In the three months this blog has been going, this is the longest I've ever gone without a post. Nothing has been wrong, just tired and yet busy as heck this week... The ol' lappy hasn't even been turned on since last weekend!

I'll have a bunch of updates tomorrow though.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Decisions Decisions

Lots going on in my life these days. That's part of the reason I actually for once didn't post on the Sabbath day. I think I've learned my lesson too... taking off every payroll day for the rest of the year and also taking off the monday after payroll too. Man people can be a pain in the butt when they don't get their paycheck! I'm BENEFITS people! Not PAYROLL!!!!!

Ok. So I"m payroll backup but get off my back!!!!!!

Lots to do this week, I'll try and update as I can but I'm not making promises for once. I've got time for once at lunch but I've been pretty busy so far... Hope everyone else has a good week!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Shop Shop Till Ya Drop!!

Ha ha ha! I've never even thought of that one before! ha ha ha

Anyway, for those of you out there surfing the web, if you want to go buy something out there, I've added a convenient link to on the right sidebar. I use Amazon all the time and can vouch that it's a great service. I still haven't found anything they don't carry that I've wanted and the fact that they ship for free certainly doesn't hurt. So check it out and see what you can find!

Friday, July 23, 2004

Friday night...

Well the night alone went exactly the way I figured it would. Baseball, ice tea and a pillow at 8... (ok, well, 8:30) but still it was quiet and that was nice.

Family is all home now and I just got shocked to shit so I'll log off for now and explain in the morning....

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Millenium Countdown...

It's hard to believe but pretty soon here I'm going to be close to 100 posts! Question is, do I do a count down (or up) from 90 to 100 or do I wait till I have over 100 and do it for the first 100 to 110? Hmmmm maybe a poll??? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

It's Party time...

Woo Hoo!!! No kids tonight!!! What to do,,, what to I go to the bar? Do I go to a movie?? Do I come home and go to bed early??? Do I stay out all night and party? (yeah right)

Knowing me, I'll be in bed at 8pm, watching baseball, oreos in one hand, ice tea in the other, blogging away... time will tell... 3 hours till everyone is gone...

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Permanent Vacation...

Just like the Aerosmith song, I feel like I've been on a permanent vacation this past 7 days... only problem is I got 4 rugrats to deal with all day. Lets see... since last wednesday, I've worked a total of 2 days... and that was Wednesday and Monday... But as of yesterday, I didn't have much work laying around so missing a day or two is no big deal. I'll be back tomorrow, all be it just 1/2 day, but things won't be too bad. Atleast I'm there for the important payroll days. Things should be ok for Thursday and Friday too so that'll be the first two consecutive days that I've worked in two weeks! That kind of schedule works for me!

Hopefully, I'll be as chipper tomorrow after I actually do work! See ya'll tomorrow night!

Monday, July 19, 2004

Me Tarzan!

Me tarzan! Me use cutting machine to work my way thru great big jungle in backyard! Me step in tons of puddles from all the water that fell from the sky this week! Me have wet shoes, wet socks (not mine though--Tarzan smart and wear Jane's socks! :)

I think if I can get my camera back together, I'll take a picture of our little bog that is in the yard. Then I can have a bog in my blog! And we'll have a name the bog blog contest! woo hoo!

There is one horrible spot that refuses to drain and the grass there is too tall to cut. Last year I actually came 1/2 inch from mutilating a frog that was back there. I'd be surprised it he isn't back again cause it's so wet and tall back there. I'm just waiting for the neighbors to move so I can steal some of their extra dirt in their back yard.

That's about it for today.

Saturday, July 17, 2004


Man the Web is an awesome place! Just the other day, In this post, I was talking about an inside joke and how I had to find that song! Darn if like two minutes of searching with Google I was able to find it! Woo Hoo!

Ok... so hmmm... what should I look for now???

In the meantime, enjoy the new musical entertainment!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Oy Ve!!!!!

Ok... what just happened???? I miss not even one day and blogger changes??? Geez!!! How ironic how that all fits in with the kind of day I've been having today!! Oh wait...We can change fonts now right in blogger??? Ok. well, it looks like it yet nothing changed... gotta work on that one... Wait... we can change text color?? Wait again,,, you probably can't read that... forgot my blog is a blue background... blue on blue won't work. But I hate red!!! Green is my current favorite color!!! (ha ha ha... Yes, it's an inside joke again... sorry for those out of the loops.
Ok. Time to get serious again though. Today was a day from heck. Well, yesterday was too. That cute little button like 3 or 4 posts back in currently in Children's Hospital downtown. She's ok for now but in the next 24 hours it'll be determined if she's moving in or if she's just on a long weekend vacation. I'm really pushing for the weekend vacation. She went in yesterday afternoon and let me just say.... CHOP is the #1 hospital in the nation for a reason.See the details from their website and US News and World Report
Everyone there, even the security guards who were sending me in the right place when I got lost trying to find my car were so caring and compasionate it was astounding!!

There's alot more to this story too, but I'll save the rest for the morning. Pretty tired tonight after a long two days.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

More Inside Jokes...

Just a quick shout out to Raven out there... no, not the Disney Channel character, the other one. She knows who she is. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Love Bites...

I gotta find that song now! You know how I love the Def Lep references...

This one though is an inside joke.... (Way inside)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

What day is it?

Its to early to be posting but guess what? Here's a post! Gonna be a hodgepodge of stuff today---if boss is off there will be more- oh--and this post is from email!

Monday, July 12, 2004

It's a horrible day!!

I forgot about my own darn testing ground!!! (Click the title of this post to get there...) And I forgot I forgot to upload the new template so when stupid own me republished my own blog, I freaked out when it wasn't where it was supposed to be! I'm bad! Although I do like the new version better anyway.

The other bad thing is that I totally forgot to use that one when I was making all the changes this week on the baby! Good thing everything went ok!

Weekend update...

Ok, so I actually watched SNL last night for the first time in months....

It was a busy weekend, but of course I got done absolutely zero of what I wanted to.

Got a new jungle in the backyard again. And the rain tomorrow is going to make that 10 times worse.

Went to a picnic today and I think, wait, know that I ate more gnats than food. (I know I certainly ate more bugs than I drank liquid.

Sorry for the broken picture in the post before this. My luck as always is that I find something cool and then the darn webpage goes out. Stupid me is still such a newbie that I don't save pictures and still hotlink everything. Guess I've learned now. The funny thing is that I came across about a dozen other sites that had the same problem so atleast it's not just me. I'll try and get it back asap... It'll probably be tomorrow when the host realizes his site is down. (Hey, I can hope right????)

Certainly got alot posted on the blog this weekend though... had alot of fun with some things... Hey, the biggest thing is to remember to vote for my blog! Just click the colors on the right under the music box. (Green is good!!!) I'm getting a bunch more visitors, so hopefully I'll get an equal number of votes! If you vote for me, leave me a comment with a link to your blog or website and I'll return the favor!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

What is America Coming too???

Department of Homeland Security
Current Threat Level:

Terror Alert Level

I just HAD to post this... Probably at the end of next week, I"ll add this to the side of my blog in the links too.. it's just way too cool not to keep.

Here's the full chart in case you forget the colors:

Cheers to for the chart.

Am I Hot or Not??

I'm really going crazy now with these side buttons... Not only do I have the music, the counter, the ability to add my blog to your "My Yahoo!", plus the RSS feed, you can now RATE MY BLOG!!! So just click on one of the colors! (Green preferably) and then I'll know how everyone likes what they see.

Even though you can leave an anonymous comment, now you don't even have too! Just click a color and you can rate everything and tell me what you think! And hey, leave a comment too so I can respond to you ok?

Trouble maker... Posted by Hello

The Easy Life

How to wash a car in 9 easy steps!...

1) Get a bucket of water
2) Lots of soap
3) Long garden hose
4) Sponges
5) 4 kids
6) 1 comfortable lawn chair...
7) Squirt car with hose...
8) crack open nice cold soda...
9) sit big butt in chair while 4 kids wash car ! :)

Friday, July 09, 2004

Friday night dance party...

Well it's not the song I really wanted but it's atleast better than having nothing or that darn error message. I'll see if I can write more codes and then try and rotate them more often.

Only got this up there anyway cause the movie was on last week and I caught it for probably the 100th time....

Rock on!!!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Comment Hungry

Ok... 136 visitors and like 2 comments in 3 months... Is anyone out there really reading this thing????

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Look out Bill Gates!!

Going mega hi-tech here today...

(I know.. on the day that should be the Sabbath day since yesterday was Monday but I was off so today is really a Tuesday but a Monday in disguise etc etc etc...)

Well, if you look at the bottom right panel, you'll see two new items... one an XML RSS site feed for you newsreaders out there. If you don't know what RSS is, don't ask cause I can't explain it to you...

Also, found a tricky way to add the site to "My Yahoo", sorry I mean, "My Yahoo!" for those of you who do use Yahoo!. We'll see how it works out. But that is definately enough tinkering for me today. More later tonight if I get everything worked out there.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Tink Time...

For those regular visitors of you out there, I was tired of the old song that used to play when you start my blog. So I decided to change it. Of course, for those that know me, changing means screwing things up... so for a day or two there wont be any songs on my blog till I can re-write the code out for a new song. I took down the old song in the meantime to hopefully make some quicker page loads out there for some of you. I'll get something up by the end of the week though...

Oh... I changed the counter too on the bottom right... thought I'd try something different. I don't think it's been too bad though... 130 visitors in two months... that's about 2 per day... ok...well .1% when you factor out my own visits... but I want to make sure that it works each day and don't let it get too horrible!


Ah!!! I missed a day a few days ago... I'm going to be good though and not back date it...

Getting a mental health day/holiday today so the Sabbath Day is not in effect...

Got some old stuff I want to get posted here... look for updates later.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Don't look at my butt!!!

Yes I'm behind... trying to catch up but Blogger don't seem to want to post... who knows if this will even post...

Friday, July 02, 2004

Crash! Boom! Bam!

this is an audio post - click to play

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Double double

I think my horiscope was a day off there... Ended up working essentially a double shift yesterday, that after waking up and the time that I normally leave the house, so the day started off just super dandy! Somehow actually pulled myself together and caught a train in time to make it in to work. Only to be basically confronted with work that had me buried. Thankfully the boss approved some OT for me so I just pulled an "all-nighter" and stayed until I felt it was ok to leave.

That'll be the last time though as the Philadelphia night life is a little freaky on Wednesday nights... Got an all day meeting today so there goes today's work cleanup... guess it ain't going to be an easy Friday tomorrow...