Rock Rock Till Ya Drop!

Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Crisis Averted...

Ok. Almost had a total sh*t fit tonight... Stupid ol me decided to play around with the computer and the net connection to see if I could get the darn network back working between the two pc's in this house... Of course, in the process, I ended up crashing the internet connection on this computer.

The real amazing thing? Is that the system restore actually worked on this computer and had me back up and running in 5 minutes!!!! Damn it worked!!! Wow was I happy. If it would only work on the PC upstairs (which is still stuck in Windows 9 world) I'd be really super happy. I guess maybe I'll just be forced to update that when Longhorn comes out. Guess I should go oldest first... then I'll be closer than I am now...

Anyway, busy weekend on the horizon. Games out the wazoo tomorrow. Probably a post late tomorrow night...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

New Comment!!!

Well, I finally got a new comment from someone other than myself. Actually averaging about 1 comment every two weeks! Which is pretty cool because it means people are actually reading the junk that I'm posting here! LOL

My referral logs have been busy but no one is sticking around long enough to post a comment. So if you visit, POST A COMMENT! So i know that you are actually reading what I've got!

Oh... and post it on a recent rant! That way I don't have to dig through alot of my old posts to just find the comment that was left! Thanks!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

For Sale...

From time to time, I'll plug and refer people to shop via my convenient link over there on the right side... What I keep forgetting is to plug some of the items that I have for sale up there on Marketplace. Just a few Cd's that I'm trying to get rid of. The local CD Shop only will give me like a quarter for them, and it's worth more as a coffee coaster than a stinking quarter. Quality of CD's are brand new. Most literally were never played. So go visit, and if you're intested, pick up one. You won't be disappointed.
Widowmaker - Dee Snyder's old band after Twisted Sister

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Water Water Everywhere!!!

No... this is not a glitch where This Post came back again... We got flooded again today from the remanents of Hurricane Ivan. Sucker didn't hit us directly, (probably since we are so far north up here in PA, but still we got socked with tons of rain.) The flood wasn't quite as bad as last time, which was 10 inches, this was only about 75% of the basement and only about 1/2 inch at the most. Fortunately, I was down there again and had time to move some stuff around. Also, we've never put anything back from the last flood so what was down there and got wet was all stuff that was ok to get wet. So it was just more of a minor inconvenience than anything.

Of course now, after the fact I was thinking I should have taken a picture of the field next to our house. Needless to say we had Perkiomen River next door, yet it ain't no river normally... I would have reallly loved to see some of the real rivers that are near our house. Must have been totally incredible. Well, back to the fun and more cleaning!

Friday, September 17, 2004

Don't look behind the curtain!!!

Ok Ok Ok... I admit... for the two people who have actually been viewing this blog on a regular basis, I just cheated and back dated a few posts. But the problem is, I've felt really guilty recently as I was doing so great for a few months there posting nearly everyday except the Sabbath Monday.

Then all of a sudden the door shut on me. I just got way way way to busy. Even when I would think of posting for two seconds from work, that would go out the window. The few seconds that I would get here at home to do it would disappear in trying to read all my emails that built up. That'll be another post too... working on an experiment with my Yahoo account all at Yahoo's expense! LOL

Anyway, just waiting on the rain now to see if the weekend will be a wash. Really praying atleast for a morning wash so that I don't have soccer games tomorrow. Would REAAAAALLLLYYYY like a day off to just veg. Flooding rains outside will allow me to catch up on inside stuff. Time will tell.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


ahhh the best laid plans always fall through... won't say anymore so that I don't get shot...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hump Day!!!


Ran my First meeting today as moderator. I've been attending a benefits managers group for about 5 years...and 3 months ago I got nominated to run the thing! Yikes!! Too bad my boss didn't have the faith in me. Guess I showed her!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The countdown begins....

7 days and counting till Star Wars on DVD!!!!!

Click HERE to buy from!!!

Monday, September 13, 2004

Weekend? What weekend??

Man I swear this was the longest weekend.

Soccer started for everyone. 4 kids with sports events and only 2 parents... yeah, that'll work.

Jake was up first. Things were going great until the head coach decided not to show up for the first game. Yeah, real great. He did show up after 10 minutes, oh, but he left after 5 minutes. So here I am, coaching the first game of the season, when I don't know 90% of the kids yet trying to figure out what to do. We managed, but lost in the end. Score was like 8-6. Now, for a soccer game with kids like this, that is ALOT. I was involved in games like that last year where it was 8-0 and such, but never one where both teams scored as much as they did combined. These guys played their hearts out. (well, except for 2, but that's another post).

I'll post more tomorrow (yeah right). or sometime this week.... Thursdays clear so far! LOL

Friday, September 10, 2004

Lions, Tigers, and More Bears!!!

Ok... last part of title explains it all now...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bear with me...

Title says it all...

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Super Oy Ve!!!! or rather Ole!

Came across the funniest ass thing in my referral logs today. I can't even explain it, but you just gotta go here:En Espanol

That is just way to funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll post more when I check it to make sure I'm not causing any problems with the translations!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Ok. Like as if missing 4 days there wasn't enough now I missed like another 3... Man life is rough these days... The holiday weekend was nothing but running around. From picnic dinner Friday night, to picnic Saturday afternoon, to birthday party Sunday afternoon to picnic Monday night. Man... all I have to say is that in a 4 day span, I think I had to cook one meal and even that was just cereal for breakfast. Of course didn't get a darn thing done at home either. 3 days to work on the basement and I got down there for 30 seconds in 4 days. Laundry? nope. Broke out new clothes instead. Dishes? Paper plates instead. Lawn mowed? Nope... had to conserve gas. ha ha ha

O well. Now we're supposed to get flooding rain from the darn hurricane the next 3 days. Oh yeah. Like I need that anxiety in my life. I freak at a dark cloud now. I gotta get my hands on some of that good meds out there. Although I did steal some dirt from the neighbor tonight to help fill in some of the holes around the house. So that did make me feel a little better. Still gotta get the new rain gutter extensions. Then I"ll really feel better. Oh well. Back to the rat race.

Just gotta remember that we're already at Tuesday. It's another Monday in disguise...

Sunday, September 05, 2004


Damn how time flies. Been real busy with work and home life. Although I still have yet to get back to the basement to finish cleaning up the mess from the flood last week. Busy holiday weekend too. I'll update more tomorrow... off to a b-day party now...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hello my name is.....

In honor of my kids going back to school today for the new year (thank goodness), and a comment that I got the other day (ironically totally unrelated to the post itself) I thought that I should maybe explain a little about this blog and specifically the naming of it.

See, my two most favorite bands out there are Bon Jovi and Def Leppard. Been a huge fan of both since atleast 1985 so going on 20 years now. It flips between who's number one but when life sucks or I'm down, either one of them turned up to 11 on the stereo will bring a smile to my face quick. Bon Jovi definately has the more sentimental vote, and Def Leppard has the rocking vote. When I started this blog back on May 1, I had just re-discovered the Vault greatest hits CD that I've had since the day it came out in 1995. I'm not one usually for Studio CD's especially one that had songs that I've heard 100000 times or more. But for some reason, I was hooked on that CD again for about a month.

I've had the "Rocktaxi" nickname for a while, and when I was thinking of a name, something along those lines kept popping in my head. Almost at that same time, "Rock Rock Till Ya Drop" started playing on the CD. And like fire and ice, it all came together! So that's where the name of my blog came from! I had hoped to talk more about the bands but too much goes on in my life that I never even get the chance!

As you can see from last week, I added the link to Bon Jovi CD's last week. If I can figure it out, I'd like to get a Def Leppard one up too. Both bands are releasing new material in the next few months so there's going to be a lot to talk about. Bon Jovi has a box set coming out in November and as all great bands should do, it's not just rehashing their old CD's in new packages, it's 5 disks of never before heard/seen material. THAT is the way to do a box set!

The Leps have 2 disks rumored to be released in time for Christmas. The first is another Greatest hits and is supposed to be a double CD. HOPEFULLY they won't just release 1/2 of Vault again and toss in extras. For a band that's had 10 CD's out, there is plenty that never made the first greatest hits. Doubling up one or two songs is ok, but anything else is just a waste and a slap in the face to fans. Their other CD to be coming out is rumored to either be the live CD that they've always said they won't do (too much material), a new studio CD, or a studio CD of all covers. that must be the rage these days as Rush just did one too. People usually hate cover CD's but in all honesty, for the die hard fans who bought the Cybernauts CD of the David Bowie covers, they all know how that CD should have sold billions! I still listen to that nearly everyday a year after it was released.

Anyway, damn this is a long post! LOL, to get back on track, I'll try and reference both bands a little more and keep people informed of what's going on with both. Then maybe I'll get more comments and let people know what's happening!

Keep reading and keep rockin! Ha ha... thought that one up all myself!