My passion!!!

He he he! This is getting way tooo fun now!
Just gonna drop some rants when I get the chance!!!
yeah I screwed up... I felt the need for a change as I neared the first month anniversary of my blog and I screwed up. I wanted a change and the change was bad. I'd go back to the old template but I lost all the settings that I had so I'll keep this for a few days and then play around. I'm gonna lose the "about me" stuff cause I hate that junk. Maybe I got the old settings somewhere. But I had spent hours editing the HTML coding and that was all wiped out so I gotta start over.
Ok... Last week I gave you the list of how NOT to hold a garage sale...
Boss's surgery went fine. Only took 6 hours. oh yeah.. best part? She was awake the whole time... Not me... I need to be knocked out for dental work!
My boss is having major heart surgery tomorrow. In her honor, I request that you a little prayer for her today. Nothing else to post today.
Take a guess where I'd rather be tonight... in a bar at happy hour with my coworkers or at an elementary school listening to a concert by 4th and 5th graders.
Comtemplate this today... Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway???
Summer is finally here so the kids are having their closing programs at school practically every day now... the nursery schools were Sunday... Since they are affiliated with a church, the closing program was part of the Sunday service.
Spent all day today moving the in-laws furniture to 3 different houses today. They are moving after 29 years and giving away all their stuff to the kids. Of course, it was the one Saturday that the kids slept in, so I woke up late, didn't get breakfast, didn't get a shower for that matter. Packed up the truck by 11, off to house number 1... done there by 1pm... on to house #2... done there by 4... on to house number 3... done there by 6....back home for pizza and soda...
Short post today... on the way home... chaos ensued today and objects were flying all over the room. Last report was my TV is on the floor upside down... gotta go check on my baby...
Oh... as if last night's post wasn't enough... here's this morning's version...
Here's one post I never thought I'd have to put in...I really thought this adventure was over.
Most of the blogs that I read have people who usually do not post on Sundays (using it as their day of rest).
Here is my list of how to NOT have a garage sale.
iiiiitttttssss aaaaaaa sssssshhhhaaaakkkkyyyyy pppoooossssstttttt tttooodddaaayyy ccaauussee tthheerree iiss contruction going on next door to my office and they are literally tearing down the wall outside my offficcccceeee. ssssoooo eeevvveeerrryyy fffeeewww seconds they crank up the drills and dig into the walls. Aaaafffftttteeeerrrr allllll ttthhhheeee ssstttuuufff fell off my desk once, I took it allllllll offfffff and cleannnnnned uuuuuppppp. ssssssooooo atleast thereeeeeee iiiiissss snnnnooooo dust.
I've been thinking of how to get that title into a post and this day seems to fit rather well. I was driving home from a funeral viewing the other night in one of the "better" parts of lovely Philadelphia and what did I see when I turned a corner? That sign on a restuarant window. Needless to say, I wasn't very anxious to go inside and sample their food at all...
Ok... here is the second part of the post from the other day. Twice in 24 hours I lost my patience.
I am a patient person. Really. Seriously... I lose out on alot of stuff because I"ll just sit around and wait sometimes.
See what happens when you miss a day of posting! Geez! Blogger changed completly!!!
In respect for Mother's Day today, no post...
Just got back from my second Philadelphia Soul game this year. They are the new AFL team from Philly that just happens to be owned by Jon Bon Jovi. And since I have always enjoyed the band, it was only natural that I was going to enjoy the football team.
well, one week in and still going strong... working on a few things this morning so visit later for some excitement!
Woo Hoo!!! Rachel got off and stayed with Ross! LOL (hopefully no one on the West Coast is reading this and I just spoiled it for them. O-well... maybe you should move East!
I'll admit I'm not the best driver in the world, but 99% of the time I'm innocently minding my own business.
Here goes everything!!
I hate to say it, but I'm switching back to the old shoes tomorrow... As long as the weather is nice, I'm wearing the old ones. Both of my ankles are swollen and I'm not going through that again. I'll wear the new ones when it rains but until then, it's back to the holy laceless shoes. Comfort wins over appearance in my book.
Gots me some brand spanking new shoes today! Well, really bought them last night, but wore them the first time today. I figured it was about time to get a pair since my last pair (which really only lasted me maybe 4 months) had two broken shoe laces and had holes in the bottom of both feet. Since we had horrible rain yesterday, I had to drive home in bear feet after squeezing the water out of my socks. It was not a pretty, nor unsmelly sight. So while shopping last night for some essentials I just happened to come across a pair that looked close to what I had and were relatively cheap. If this pair gives out before Christmas, then I'm just going to give up and stop buying cheap shoes.
I am tinkering around with a few new things on the site tonight so just bear with me... things may look screwy for a few hours...
Oh yeah... this will be short till later...
Ok. How little did I know what woud happen in the last 24 hours... from my last post, you know I went to a party last night.. nothing special, but it did have good food....
Ok.. well I really think I may have finally found my niche' in the world... I'll post when I can, but since this is online I can probably add even some from work during the day... look for updates more during the week, probably less on weekends.... getting ready for a party now... post the details later...